Director’s Message

Director’s Message

It’s time to pen down my thoughts, as the Director of this institution regarding education which prepares Global citizens.

I have always thought of developing the total potential energy in me and changing it into the dynamic form. I believe that the school management has the vital role of reforming the whole nation and meeting the need for excellence in education on a priority basis. I believe that children are like soft clay and they can be transformed any way the school likes. For that matter, the school must have a clear vision of what they want out of their students, who are the future of the country. Therefore, in my opinion, the role of education in schools should be to inculcate nationalism in children.

I believe that if we all Join hands in making a mission that children are our destiny, that we have to shape their careers an future, we can do so; we have the potential because children come to school at a tender age and it is then that we become their guiding lines.

Mrs. Veena Shivakumar